Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Seven Wicked: The First by CM Stunich

“That's just the First," Caleb said, pausing to worry at his lower lip. “And it's only one of seven, Seven Wicked; we can't destroy any of the others until we destroy the First.”

When reincarnated goddess, Eevee Marx, sees the necklace at her local thrift store, she just has to have it. But Eevee has no idea that when she drapes the delicate, silver links over her fingers, she is continuing a legend her spirit had started centuries ago. That when she unhooks the tiny clasp and lays the black and silver pendant against her chest, she will spend the night of her seventeenth birthday holding the dying body of the boy she loves.

The Seven Wicked have been sleeping, preparing for Eevee to touch the necklace and reawaken the powers inside of her. Now, the only thing that stands between them is Caleb, the golden haired boy who will sacrifice himself to save her.


Jaime's review:

I seriously want to yell at the author for making me be on the edge of my seat. Especially during the end! I was seriously tempted to turn off my nook. I am so glad I didn't! Otherwise I would have never known what happened!
Evee and Caleb meet over a necklace. One that will tie them to each other as well as unleash 7 monsters who will stop it nothing to take Evee out of the picture. Caleb isn't about to let that happen. Unless he can't stop them.

I can't wait to start the second one which is what I am about to do now!!! So come back for the review of that one!  


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